This use case revolves around Joana. She is an 85-year-old woman with several chronic diseases: she has diabetes and chronic heart failure (for which she is receiving medication). Joana lives in a private apartment near a Primary Care Centre. She receives some care through the Primary Care Centre but wants to remain independent for as long as possible. That’s why her doctor, from the HCB, specialist in Diabetes, has given her two portable medical devices to monitor vital functions, a glucose meter and a pulse meter that connect to a Smartphone application on Joana’s phone.
Joana is told by the hospital or their care providers that they need to download a Smartphone application in order to communicate with the eHealth Devices and with the Smart Platform. In this application Joana will be able to connect to the sensors, store measurements in the HCB-SP, retrieve a history, grant or revoke permits to the professionals, groups or healthcare providers managed by the organization and send notes to them in a secure way.
She is happy to do this because she can monitor her progress in this area. With this smartphone application, Joana has full control over the data generated by the devices and her patient record.
The second part of our platform is the platform that Joana’s caregivers can use to retrieve and view her data and to send notes in case it is deemed necessary and to detect abnormalities, not only in one of these two diseases, but to merge all of Joana’s health issues and give her a better quality of life by taking a holistic approach.