Medical Informatics Europe (MIE2021)
Virtual Conference
Public Health and Informatics
29-31 May, 2021
The European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) welcomes you to the 31st Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE). The MIE 2021 was planned to be held in Athens, Greece according to EFMI Council decision. However, due to the continuous serious pandemic situation across the globe at the time for Call for Papers and Proposals, it was decided for the safety of our participants to be held as a Virtual event. The Conference is organized by the “MCO Congress” and the Scientific Programme Committee is chaired by Professor John Mantas, Fellow of EFMI, and President of the Greek Biomedical and Health Informatics Association (GBHI).
In the last 20 years, the worlds of medicine and of information technologies have completely changed…
For the last years, the application of eHealth applications and the Digitalization was an important and fundamental paradigm changer in the era of Health Informatics and Public Health. Massive amount of data from the molecular biology associated with massive data about the environment, behaviour and lifestyle, exposition factors and personal records, the rise of unprecedent processing power in health information systems and artificial intelligence as well as health analytics methods and tools empowered Medicine, Nursing and Healthcare sciences are facing the Public Health challenges.
The current pandemic situation emphasized the importance of Health Informatics into the scientific process of evidence-based reasoning and decision making at all stages of healthcare.
The MIE2021 conference is a unique opportunity to meet experts from all involved fields, from deep learning or genomics, up to human factors, ethical and societal aspects. The MIE conferences not only attract senior researchers and top notched experts of the field, it is also, and mostly, a place where young scientists come to present their works, to meet peers, to network, to seek job and career opportunities.